山室 淳平展 Overlapping Landscapes Jumpei Yamamuro Exhibition


 遠望山水図(えんぼうさんすいず) 2023 194×130㎝ アクリル、キャンバス


I paint what I recall and see day-to-day by referencing classical pictorial images from Japan, China and other countries.
I try to retain all the momentum and freshness of the lines and shapes of the subject while I paint.
The act of painting fills the canvas fragment by fragment.
Through the intricate construction of such fragmented images, a new landscape as a whole image emerges on the canvas.
I enjoy such a process.
In recent years, we have often witnessed disasters.
Sometimes, I feel the power and abundance of nature are a threat.
Such threats also become an element in the paintings, accumulating with time and forming the landscape.

山室淳平 / Jumpei Yamamuro
1980 福岡県北九州市生まれ
2006 金沢美術工芸大学大学院美術工芸研究科絵画専攻(油絵)修了
現在  福岡県在住

2022 個展「Landscapes」/EUREKA(福岡)(2020)
2021 個展 ガレリアフィナルテ(愛知)(2009、14、16、18)
2013 個展 ギャラリー点(石川)(2009、12)

2022 アートフェアアジア福岡 /ギャラリーソープ(北九州)
    アートオリンピア 入賞
2021 シェル美術賞 入選
    Fukuoka Wall Art賞 優秀賞
    Kyushu New Art(博多阪急)(2020)
2019 青木繁記念大賞ビエンナーレ 奨励賞
    FACE展 入選

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